Sunday, November 3, 2013

Stop-Motion Character Animation

Chris Helfrich, Jenn Long, and I teamed up to make "Love at First Bite." We spent a good hour and a half coming up with a story and figuring out what characters and props we'd be using. The next 7 hours were spent planning and shooting our film in 7 separate shots (SAM animation can only shoot 50 frames at a time!). We would plan the approximate timing for each action and think about where the arcs and slow-ins and slow-outs would be, and then we just went for it. The very beginning took about six or seven takes because we kept accidentally moving things that weren't supposed to move. Eventually we were able to get the production going. We had a plan about how we would split up the animation between the three of us, but we ended up all helping out when we could -- and it was a fair workload from everyone. For the climax of the story, we all had fun destroying the character and adding foamy soap to the carnage. It was a great experience, and I'm glad we decided to work as a team and come up with a fun (morbid) story.

  • Chris Helfrich: Story idea, sculpted snail #2, animation, supervised and corrected others' animation.
  • Jenn Long: Provided clay, animation, supervised and corrected others' animation.
  • Hunter Welker: Sculpted snail #1, animation, supervised and corrected others' animation, editing and sound.

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